Beyond Body Modification

Moshe Ramukhuba

Services Offered

Moshe Ramukhuba was born and bred in South Africa, Johannesburg and he spent most of his years in Johannesburg, raised by a single mother with five other siblings, he is the last born of the family.

At an early age Moshe met his best friend Ben De Wet and through the many years of their friendship, Ben aided Moshe into further bringing out his fun, creative and playful side but also introduced him to a word of endless possibilities.

His best friends dad Barend De Wet who not only played the role of a father figure and mentor also helped him see and do things from in and outside the box.
Barend’s love for the art and body modification industry filtered down onto Moshe but it was only years later when he was in his final year of high school that the love and passion for the body modification industry showed through.

The love for the industry was sparked by scarification which is cutting of the skin for cosmetic purposes however the reason for having it done on ones skin varies between cultures and countries all around the globe.

The first scarification piece that Moshe got was something that he did himself of cause it was not done professionally but it helped him realize that there was more to it and so more could be achieved through scarification and thus the quest began.
In 2013 Moshe sought out find somebody who had the knowledge of scarification and who could help him achieve the desires he had.

It was later that year when he met Conrad Francis Feldman who is well known in the body modification industry.

As time moved on from one scarification piece to another Conrad saw the love and passion that Moshe had for the industry and it was in the year 2017 when Conrad offered Moshe the opportunit to join Concreate Body Art as one of his apprentices.
The journey through the space and time of the body modification industry has been a beautiful one thus far and it continues at Concrete Body Art, one amazing memory at a time.

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